Dispute Mediation & Resolution

Com­menc­ing rough­ly twen­ty years ago Ms. Klibanow has applied her sub­stan­tive labor and employ­ment law knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence gar­nered as advo­cate for both employ­ers and also employ­ees to assist the par­ties to iden­ti­fy and secure sat­is­fac­to­ry infor­mal res­o­lu­tions of count­less dis­putes, pre- or post-lit­i­ga­tion. With her fine­ly hewn meth­ods and tal­ents she is able to take the par­ties to an eve of tri­al” van­tage point from which, with the aid of her con­sum­mate sub­stan­tive knowl­edge of applic­a­ble law, they can dis­cern like­ly out­comes in the absence of infor­mal res­o­lu­tion; then, with the aid of some­thing clients have called wis­dom,” she guides the par­ties through and past the con­flict to more con­struc­tive future pos­si­bil­i­ties. In medi­a­tion she is known for her calm­ing influ­ence, deep lis­ten­ing skills,” com­pas­sion,” deter­mi­na­tion,” tenac­i­ty,” wis­dom” and mag­ic” in shep­herd­ing par­ties to resolution.

Focus Areas

  • Sex, Race, Col­or, Nation­al Ori­gin, Reli­gion, Sex­u­al Ori­en­ta­tion, Dis­abil­i­ty, Med­ical Con­di­tion, Rea­son­able Accom­mo­da­tion, Age Dis­crim­i­na­tion and relat­ed Harassment
  • Fam­i­ly and Med­ical Leave
  • Whistle­blow­er Retaliation
  • Wrong­ful Termination
  • Vio­la­tion of USERRA
  • Wage/​Hour
  • Employ­ee Discipline
  • Employ­ee Privacy
  • Employ­ment Breach of Contract
  • Employ­ment Civ­il Rights
  • Work­place Safety
  • Work­place Violence
  • Col­lec­tive Bar­gain­ing Arbitration
She was sensitive to my client, a sexual harassment victim, persistent in helping us resolve the matter, smart and kind.