For over 40 years, Ms. Klibanow has focused her practice in the field of labor and employment law. At different times in her career she has represented both management and labor, both defense and plaintiff, and for over 20 years has served as a labor and employment “neutral” – as an arbitrator, hearing officer, discovery referee, mediator and neutral factfinder.
From her experience both as an advocate and also as a neutral she is expert in all of the practice areas referenced below and also is available to serve in international dispute resolution matters, including commercial contracts, and also as civil discovery referee.
Having encountered nearly every conceivable challenge to effective process in arbitration, Ms. Klibanow preemptively remediates against these and, cautioning counsel against “gamesmanship” or “sharp practices,” maintains focus on the substantive issues.
In her conduct of employment arbitrations, front and center is Klibanow’s concern that arbitration be a “different but not inferior” forum for resolution of the full span of rights and remedies afforded to employees and affirmative defenses afforded to employers on such critical matters as employment civil rights, i.e., protection of employees against discrimination/harassment/retaliation based on such “protected” categories as sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, national origin, religion, age, disability, medical condition, and also basic wage & hour statutory compliance.
Among particular benefits of such nearly 45-year specialization is appreciation of law’s evolution in its myriad facets and historical contexts. Such long-time research, analysis and practice improve comprehension not only of the “letter and spirit” of the statutes, regulations and judicial precedents at issue, but also discernment of the “morphing” of law in its accommodations of tensions among competing public policies and political interests. Such expertise has garnered her keen insight and generated user comments as “standing out in the top 1% of all neutrals” and of skills and abilities “greater than any judicial officer or neutral that I have appeared before in my 30-plus year career.”
In both mediations and arbitrations, Ms. Klibanow is known for asking counsel “thought-provoking questions” and in having the substantive knowledge to “cut right to the chase” of the matter.
Klibanow is known for her painstaking attention to detail in review of transcripts and exhibits and conscientious application of the law.
She was very prepared - she didn't cut corners, she did all the hard work.